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1822 SW Madison Street, Suite 222
Portland, OR, 97205
United States

The Glaciers

The Glaciers are melting. Below is a picture of Grinnell Glacier, a short hike above Many Glacier Lodge in Glacier National Park in Montana. See "Why It Matters For the Future" web pages which follow this one for a historical look at what is happening to this Glacier over the past 100+ years, 75+ years ago, and then 7+ years ago and then compare those to this picture from 2013.


The Glaciers are melting, this is the Grinnell Glacier at the end of the Grinnell Glacier Trail a short distance from Many Glacier Lodge

The Glaciers are melting, this is the Grinnell Glacier at the end of the Grinnell Glacier Trail a short distance from Many Glacier Lodge